Finally, a database for engineers and scientists
Truenumbers is the first data technology to allow engineers and scientists to build, manage and work with technical data in familiar terms. It’s better than an electronic lab notebook or relational DB because numbers what really matter. If they are secure, documented, archival and traceable, everything is.
“Since a design has to be concrete, it must have its geometry, dimensions, and characteristic numbers. Almost all engineers working on new designs find that they do not have all the needed information. ”
Keeping track of your numbers and their context
Knowing what a number means wherever you find it
Getting the units of measure and tolerances right
Making spreadsheets traceable
Capturing hand-calculations
Speaking the language of engineering and science
What's technical data?
What engineers and scientists call a number is really a statement of measurement. A value given for a property of something that can include units, tolerance, a conventional variable name and contextual information A truenumber looks like an ordinary number, but carries all of its descriptive metadata in a secure and portable package so meaning never gets lost.
Numerical truenumbers are written in a simple syntax for measurement statements, so you can create a truenumber by entering it into Excel or word, or a web dashboard. You can also import them from Excel or Word, or use the Truenumbers API's to create them with programming.
You can do a lot of useful things with truenumbers, like convert them (because they know their units and type), or use them in Excel, where they are tamper-proof and generate their own comments. Use them in the Truenumber unit and tolerance aware calculator so you can always recall the calculation and its parameters. Organize and search large collections of truenumbers, like materials properties or product specs.
Engineering game-changer
Having numbers know what they mean, their units, where they came from and more, in Excel, Word, calculations and in C#, Java or Javascript, makes everything easier. Engineering teams naturally evolve useful collections of truenumbers, new processes and easier ways of doing things without database design or software development. The age-old questions "what's that number? Are you sure it's right?" become a lot easier to answer. Engineering quality, data reuse and traceability go through the roof, while risks and re-work decrease. Contact us about a demonstration or pilot project.